ABIT: is an exchange platform, with a high support in multiple trading tractions, has a strong daily activity that allows users who use the platform to manage their currencies very well, it is not an entirely popular project, allows its users to experience a high level of financial liquidity, in different types of currencies, It allows the display of real-time graphs and the latest market offers, the most relevant prices and an ecosystem designed and developed for ease of use, so that there is no confusion, is an exchange that has legal support by applying some rules in their community is important that many exchange platforms apply this method to reduce electronic fraud, It is a platform that seeks to improve day by day, with services more focused on electronic commerce and a rate of well-balanced transactions and with a high level of market security, applying small security protocols, the fact that it is a decentralized project does not mean that I do not have control over all its movement, that I do not have control over all its financial movements are made to ensure the security of each transaction made, has exclusive plans for some users who want a more detailed service with some commercial advantages and rotating commissions, its commercial ideal is modern is an exchange that will have a future commercial development, as long as it maintains its capitalization and financial activity.