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Review on Bibo Exchange by Victor Daniel

Revainrating 3 out of 5

Bibo Exchange

it was launched in November 2018, Bibo exchange is an europe-based cryptocurrency, integrated with an e-commerce platform.
it has a beautiful interface that enables users communicate freely with it's platform.
its primary aim is to create an ecosystem that enables its users not to trade only, but also spend their crypto. Bibo market aims to empower merchants and online shoppers worldwide to buy and sell goods internationally with fewer intermediaries.

trading fee charged for Bibo exchange is not fixed but he charges 0.15% and 0.20% for both makers and takers respectively. It charges 0.0005 BTC for Bitcoin, 0.01 ETH for Ethereum, 1 TRX for Tron e.t.c.
Bibo charges 0.15% and 0.20% for both makers and takers respectively. It charges 0.0005 BTC for Bitcoin, 0.01 ETH for Ethereum, 1 TRX for Tron e.t.c.
I would gladly recommended the use of this Exchange.

Updated 4 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Bibo exchange has continued to be a very good and exciting exchange platform for user to explore and use, it's transaction fees are still very low for both takers and makers, the charges on tokens are also relatively low and affordable for users. Users doesn't only trade on this exchange but they use their crypto currencies. Bibo exchange have a very friendly and navigable user interface.

  • It is very easy to understand
  • It charges very low for withdrawing
  • I see no negative side