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Review on Bitocto by Victor Daniel

Revainrating 3 out of 5


BITOCTO is a cryptocurrency exchange that was founded in 2018. BITOCTO is actively using for a technologies for its websites. These include iPhone/mobile, compatible, viewmeta and Spf.
BITOCTO is ranked 527,172 among websites globally Based on its 40,732 monthly web visitors.

With BITOCTO you can buy and sell cryptocurrencies without any hassle.

BITOCTO has a friendly and understandable user interface, but the withdrawal fees in this exchange is very high.
BITOCTO is available in almost every part of the globe and access to this exchange is very easy and fast. Trading on this exchange is very easy. it is still available and active.

Updated 4 years ago
Rating has not been changed
After my last review on this platform,I went on research on this exchange and I discovered that much haven't been done on it, it still charges high on all transactions involving deposit and withdrawal, it's user interface is friendly and easily navigable, it has continue to be available all over the globe for users.

  • This exchang has a friendly user interface
  • The transaction fee on this platform is high