BtcTurk based on my experience and years of trading in the crypto space BtcTurk is a recommended exchange although beginners might find it quite intense to trade on the exchange.
Security system in BtcTurk is highly secured with KYC requirements on registration this will improve securing a better regulated space for users and increase their privacy and withdrawal limit on the exchange platform.
Operating since 2013 with good reputation and no record of theft from hackers proved that BtcTurk prioritize it security system taking it users fund into full consideration, the platform offers crypto currency exchange pairs for users, there are over 39 trading pairs with major crypto coins like BTC, eth, LTC and more which can be traded on the platform it support fast crypto deposit although no debit card support features yet. trading fee are quite considerable with charge low fees on Takers and makers which is 0.09% and 0.05%, deposit and withdrawal are very fast.
BtcTurk offers interesting trading features like Stop loss order, take profit, market limit which could be used to maximize users risk management.