Civilixation is a cryptocurrency ta has been deleted or cables from the internet due to technical issues that affected its financial trajectory. The current site does not offer a signal. There is just a window that informs users of a type of error in the service, but it is just a screen with nothing more than that. It is difficult to say how this site might have worked in the past because it has not a stable audience, and they are not known traders yo contact and review. The only thing that is certain about the site is that it was highly limited, and there were little additions of tokens.
There is no way to know even about the name of the exchange, ad why it was called that way. It is not content about the page, the company, the team, nor the policies of this site. It is equally hard to guess if it used to lend trading services for fiat money, although certain information in the CoinMarketCap reveals that it was not very effective for global traders.
For now, this project will remain just like one of those trading windows that all users will see from the top of abandoned projects. It has a deserved label that cannot be changed led elected even if the company appears to solve their current issues and provide a new trading service.
So, in conclusion, I think users should remain safe and avoid accessing the platform. You won't find anything more than the current window of error I previously mentioned.