Coinhako has been in existence since 2014 and this has made it one of the oldest virtual exchange platform. I once had special interest in the exchange because of its enriched features back then but I later wrote off the Coinhako exchange for some reason which I will be talking about in my review. Every trader is always in search of a trade platform where they can buy and sell crypto currency and still make some massive profits. Coinhako exchange is not an exchange for any trader who wants to make good profits on his own her investment, I have observed many features on the exchange and I was able to draw some inference on that but the most important reason I wrote off the exchange was that the trading fees were so frivolous. The exchange demands that every trader must pay a trade fee of 1% ,this fee is 10× what traders on Binance,BBX and many other exchanges pay. It sounded funny that an exchange could charge this high but this fee is damn to high for any trader. The withdrawal fees weren't helping matters,the withdrawal fee for BTC was 0.002BTC and the worst of it all was that the exchange lists only few coins. The exchange's fee is one reason why all traders would dump( just as I did) the virtual exchange for other cheaper and excellent exchange with a better trading interface and this is why the exchange has lost its presence on the cryptosphere.