Coin list is one interesting platform, I was attracted to this platform since when I was hunting for initially coin offerings or ico's. The exchange or platform gradually develop to a full exchange where new upcoming coins that has not been listed anywhere before are being listed and traded in this exchange. The platform was launched by Angel list in 2017. Talking about the user interface this exchange is very easy to navigate even though it has a different formation or layout from a normal exchange. The strength is equipped with a lot of features to enable you to navigate easily. Is very easy to trade on this exchange and very economical as you charge a trading fee of about 0.25% who is above normal market rate but it is a bit ok. Why entice me more about the exchange is the fact that it has a very long list of coins for you to trade and invest on. But the only downside I see with the exchange is the fact that it requires a lot of personal details about you ranging from legal name addresses and so on. But the Exchange is a recommendable platform and a very secure place to be.