Coinviva is a centralized cryto exchange created in 2019, the exchange was built to promote the trading of cryptocurrencies with ease and give the a better benefits while trading. the IP address of this exchange cannot be accessed, which has made it very difficult for people to get involved with the exchange activities. many people tried using VPN to get access to the platform bit it was not possible.
Coinviva, has not been appearing for long, many users has said that the exchange is a scam exchange, I agree with that because it's information is like a cammore flag which attract people to the exchange but actually it is not of good to any investor. the problem of this exchange has made the platform loose many followers and people that has interest on the exchange.
there is no much to say about the Developers, they have done nothing to show that they are willing to improve the development of this Exchange. the exchange has been listed as one of the unsuccessful exchange of all time, I will advise you stay off the project, for the safety of your funds.