coinzest was developed as a decentralized Network in 2018, that has seized to work properly because the project lacks a well blockchain technology. Coinzest didn't last long in the cryptocurrency community, transactions was not suitable for the users. I never liked the project when I say the project and looking at the reviews that came from other users I came to a conclusion that the project was just a no go area, so I made more research on my own and find out the website cannot be reached and the less information I can find was that user's should stay clear off the project and has been a dead platform, I was not happy to find out a well organized crypto project got to lose form without any necessary information to tell it's user's or put an update earlier for users to remove their funds before closing the project. I don't find this project a good way to invest. There is nothing much to say about this project, am happy to see negative response from other users, that is to say that the project is just a waste of Time and those not require a good rating. Social media accounts cannot be found, no legit information to back this project, my conclusion is to warn people about this project