DENT, which enables many products related to the telecommunication sector to be purchased and used digitally, makes it possible for people to sell them between each other. Today, mobile devices and smart devices are known to be one of the most connected devices to the internet. This means serious data usage. As the name suggests, DENT Wireless focuses directly on the mobile data sector. The project, which aims to make people take part in a more free and democratic environment in situations such as mobile data, communication and speech packages, facilitates the purchase and sale of them through blockchain.
Mobile data can be traded through the Ethereum network-based DENT and DENT Coin can be earned in return. DENT also has partnerships with the world's largest telecom companies. In this way, people can buy mobile data or speech rights from the world's largest data providers and sell them to others.
The purpose of the platform is to provide mobile operators, consumers, businesses and other market participants with easy tools to compete and operate their mobile data needs in the new open world.