Dinngo is centralised Exchange that has not been accessable. This exchange will not support many users as there was no information to classify this exchange. Since there's no proper information to classify this Exchange. since there is no information to classify this exchange really investors find it very displeasing to them and has rated it to be a high possible scam.
Since the link was not accessible I tried to access their social Media account to get information. I couldn't get access today platform. It seems all the social account you brought down because I could not find any possible user on there social media
Despite all the disabilities, the developers could not find a possible solution to correct disabilities of this exchange to correct the disabilities of this platform. This Exchange cannot be used on your mobile phone. It was not supported by Google
I will advise you to advise you to step off this project, and if you think this review is not helpful, then you can search for this platform and see if you will find an information