DOBI is a cryptocurrency exchange where the buying and selling of BTC, ETH, BCH, TRX, LTC, XLM, XRP, EOS, DNP, DTT, BCB, GTN, SGC, DCN, ATT, ZT and DBT is available.
DOBI Exchange is based in China, with substations in Malaysia, Japan, Brazil among other cities in the world. It is currently available in more than 100 countries.
This exchange is self-rated as a reliable, convenient, qualified and considerate business service.
In terms of security DOBI offers a multi-level firewall wallet, which gives users the ideal protection for their assets.
It offers customer service 24 hours a day with an effective speed so that its users get an immediate and effective response.
This exchange has selective comfort on different platforms, standing out on Telegram, twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.