indoex is a cryptocurrency exchange that is designed for a designed for experience degital assets for traders and allow them trade all Alt coins. It provides advance Exchange functionalities to allow user's to buy and sell digital assets. All this features was in the past the exchange is actually not clear. When making my Review I found out that most sight has placed the exchange as one of the best Exchange in the world, but after a deep research I found out that the exchange has already stopped existing. I found my information on coin gecko which has classified the exchange as a non existing Exchange. So please don't be carried away by the nice reviews about the project. It takes a good cryptocurrency expert to fish out abandoned Exchange just like this one. Majorly all social accounts are working, but if u contact the admins of this project you will find no response from them. The platform has actually great features that will allow user's gain enough profit while using the exchange, and I believe the first people to use this project actually enjoyed the benefits. The platform was created in 2019 after two years of working effectively it started malfunctioning and Manny investors have to withdraw their funnds before it goes ablaze. The exchange is quite deceiving and if you don't Know your way around the website you might end up falling for the good trends about the exchange. In essence this project has no future and I cannot recommend it to be a future generational Exchange. The better for one the better