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Review on RightBTC by LUIS RIVERO R

Revainrating 3 out of 5

In conclusion rightbtc is a house of change with extensive experience, and in…

In conclusion rightbtc is a house of change with extensive experience, and in a certain way robust in this market, has shown that it is possible to maintain a very secure platform, which from its beginnings had few inconveniences. Despite this, it still has a very small market share and this depends on the way in which the business has been taken. One of the things that I do not like is that in order to be able to make withdrawals at some point you must verify identity which is against the soul of the blockchain

Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Simple and fast reformulated trading platform when placing orders.
The amount of assets available for marketing has been simplified.
It is available for negotiation already available for Android and IOs.
This exchange has new negotiation features and applications since version 3.0 was released. In addition to this, it has a process of customer acquisition and loyalty by the launch of this new user interface. For now I can only test it and see if it presents any inconvenience or if it continues as it is until now being one of the best exchanges.

Updated 5 years ago
Rating changed from 4 to 3
The market continues to decline in this exchange, I recommend working wisely in this exchange.
It has one of the best options for trading, its main obstacle is that it does not have good capital.

  • The registration process is extremely simple, the use of the trading platform is not different from other exchanges. It has a lot of time with a significant share of the cryptocurrency market, all this generates confidence to use RightBTC. It has a significant amount of cryptocurrencies listed so if you want to diversify your crypts portfolio here you can do it without having to leave this echange. The level of security is stable.
  • The prices of withdrawals are very high. Some coins are taken out of circulation within RightBTC without many warnings. It is not possible to acquire crypto currencies with fiat money directly in the exchange

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