The company cannot be followed on any site. They are out of the web.XMoon is a funny site where traders can join and interact. The site was created with some resources and concepts to take some time and read them. It permits traders to open an account and register on the system. But it is important to mention by now that this site is not fair. Most of the links to the networks available on the site are not legally recognized. This company knows that, but they have not the necessary capital to become better providers. I just can say that if you want to invest time on the platform, be careful and avoid giving information to it.
You can easily explore and research the network while it keeps available. You can even study how it was launched, and assess the tech the company used to develop the sources and resources of the network. Users can also compare the site to other trading networks, and see how much it differs from them.
This site is not a scam, but since the tools are limited I cannot recommend it for trading or staking.
It is better to keep limits with this page.
NOTE: Take your time to research this site by reading other reviews on the market.