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Review on PRIZM by Vika Kruiz

Revainrating 5 out of 5


PRIZM is a very interesting cryptocurrency. It is interesting in that for the extraction of coins, you do not need expensive equipment in order to mine. In order to forge, you need a not very expensive computer, i.e. with minimal cost. And for paramining you just need to store from 1 coin to 1,000,000 on your wallet. Why up to 100,000? Because by distillation these are the numbers paramining stops. But this problem is quickly solved, you can get another wallet, transfer part of the amount there, and paramining will already work on two wallets. Paramining is activated immediately after the first wallet transaction. from 1 coin. It is calculated according to such a system, if you have from 1 to 99 coins, you earn 0.12% per day, and 3.6% per month, respectively, about 10% per year. And this is only the very minimum! The BLOCKCHAIN ​​system allows carrying out various kinds of operations. For example, sale. And all this you can do without leaving your home! Paramining is a reward for storing your coins in your personal wallet.

  • NODA
  • online wallet
  • paramaining
  • forging
  • maining
  • incorrect storage of a password from a personal wallet

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