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6 Review
19 Karma

Review on 0x by marcio zubie

Revainrating 4 out of 5

0x is an excellent platform having a good reputation in the market. With the…

0x is an excellent platform having a good reputation in the market. With the help of 0x, developers can create decentralized applications. The 0x team is also very friendly and doing their best for the success of their team. Having a bright future.


Updated 6 years ago
Rating changed from 5 to 4
0x team recently gone an big summit there they update their upcoming news and updates and after they says their are many updates are to be announced and this will really effect 0x price


  • 0x have an excellent reputation in coin marketcap., and 0xalso listed on worlds biggest exchanges, also the team is always active. They provide decentralized applications for their users to trade on ethereum blockchain. 0x is helpful for developers to create decentralized applications.
  • 0x is an awesome project but there are still many projects in market which are more progressed and developed than this project so somewhere this preoject is lacking behind in market. trading volume is also less in this platform.

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