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6 Review
16 Karma

Review on 0x by taniya mirza

Revainrating 4 out of 5

0x is a decentralized cryptocurrency which is developed a platform and having…

0x is a decentralized cryptocurrency which is developed a platform and having great teamwork. The team takes many efforts for their project. Always eco-friendly with their developers. And surely it will be great bright in the future. I personally liked this project.


Updated 6 years ago
Rating changed from 5 to 4
Few days ago, 0X project released ZRX mesh beta. The Mesh p2p network enables relayers & traders to easily receive and share orders throughout the 0x ecosystem.


  • 0x are solving developers small contract issues. The 0x development team is always active and giving regular updates and news for their users and developers. 0x is ecofriendly with their developers. team always doing hardwork. 0x allows ERC 20 tokens to make trdable on the ethereum blockchain.
  • 0x has so many relayles such as Radar Relay, DDEX, and Paradex these both have not infat 100eth volume so what user trade no liquidity

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