The AceD project (ACED), is based on a betting platform aimed at the sports audience, which gives the user complete anonymity within your blockchain, is fast and secure giving protection to users who require to buy your currency (ACED) which is easily available by its purchase platform which can be obtained in 3 exchangeable markets the main exchanges available are: ACED/WETH, ACED/BTC, ACED/BTC, is multi credit has a high sports catalog in which you can choose the best according to the user's taste.
In the growth charts you can see that their capitalization is good, they have maintained the ups and downs in the last month, is a company that seeks new investors who want to invest for a currency (ACED) sports, the web porter has liquidity offer a wallet in the web exchange platforms (Metamask, My Etherwallet, Atomic Wallet, Trust Wallet).