Apex technologies is developing innovative solutions combining Big Data artificial intelligence and the blockchain to tackle heart problems and data marketing and customer relationship management, this provides an enterprise or company with customer data technology solutions that help marketers connect unify analyze and activate their customer data, the actual project itself Apex network is an open source project and it was created in December of 2017 Apex network is developing a blockchain platform in an ecosystem aimed at solving the problems currently faced by businesses and their business consumer interactions, Apex network puts the customer back into control of their data instead of relying on third party data hoarders who siphoned data from consumers and run away with all the profits.
Taking back control of user data and finding a fair and honest way to monetize it with the users permission and benefit is a huge market, there's a lot of projects focused on giving power back to the people when it comes to their own data, I will say that I like that the projects I enjoy seeing other platforms outside of eath being used for furthering the crypto ecosystem, it also like that they're going to be utilized in sidechains to promote scalability and then they have some pretty heavy hitters backing them, as with most projects in the early stages of development only time will really tell how successful they are but if they continue to under-promise and over-deliver I think they'll be just fine.