It appears to be that the task was made accessible to banks quite a while past. Be that as it may, since legislative issues was engaged with the venture, I think most clients were hesitant to take part, by and by I was concerned.
The web association of the task presently doesn't contain a SSL declaration, that is, it's anything but secure, and I believe that the data partook in it is both deficient and not exceptionally plain, that is, it is written in true language. Also, this venture used to have an excessive number of adherents in the Twitter account, however presently this record is suspended, as you most likely are aware, accounts that don't follow the utilization of Twitter are suspended. Perhaps it was suspended for an alternate explanation, so I don't know.
The BERN token is as of now being traded for the BTC money on the yobit trade, which is known by numerous clients. Since it is recorded on just one trade, it has almost no worth, I figure it will be totally useless when the exchange is dropped in this trade. Likewise, for quite a while, this token has no exchange volume, so there has been no client of the token for quite a while. At the point when I took a gander at the graphs of the token, I saw that a period esteem had ascended excessively high and out of nowhere diminished, and for this situation numerous clients may have lost cash.
By and large, I don't perceive any advantage in this undertaking any longer and I propose you stay away.