BidiPass (BDP), is developed as a project for secure access to cryptocurrency sites, trading platforms and decentralized finance, it provides reliable services, easy access, blockchain technology integration, ample security methods, which guarantees access to its identity authenticator product. BidiPass, is a platform for security, guarantees to use free 2-factor authentication services, allows to generate cryptographic income with its native token BidiPass (BDP), for the use of its services and participation in its ecosystem, likewise, guarantees easy access from mobile devices as it has a mobile application for access at any time. BidiPass (BDP), represents the finance within the ecosystem, it is a token that allows the optimal performance of the reward system, and is developed to encourage users when using authentication services, its blockchain network ensures good security services with its infrastructure, which generates good products for the ecosystem, likewise it is a token that can be generated by using the services and be exchanged easily and securely from popular decentralized exchanges.