Bitbook Gambling (BXK): is a project that allows a strong market through the use of technologies in video games, which guarantee payment gateways and a strong connection with the world of blockchain services, its ecosystem allows diverse means of communication, entertainment and means of direct payments, its platforms applies the use of protocols that helps to better manage all its environments, allowing in a simple way the use of virtual machines to emulate various spaces and games, with high performance in its data processing and a firm strategy in the market, its currency is used as a means of direct payment that is used in a very viable way in the market and within its platform, is a means designed for entertainment in general, is a project that achieve the use of its currency monetizing the use of this project becomes a commercial necessity, its mechanism establishes forms of payment, Its development as a project allows the use of its open source code and thus to experience a market experience with a higher level and with greater growth, its security is one of the strongest points of this project as it has process monitoring algorithms and a commercial delivery solidad.