Covesting has made as a company in the past 3 years should give you more confidence than ever before. Three years ago they had an idea. Now a working product applicable on multiple platforms. And in the foreseeable future, token utilities.
This is the perfect time for new traders and investors to hear about COV through positive price action following utils and then learn about the new ways to use their token on the COV module.
Great project, great team, it’s now just a matter of time when they decide to pull the trigger. In all honesty, I would rather they get everything in line and keep buying it cheap. Soon the sellers will regret selling this low.
Potentially thousands of copy trade module users wanting to buy COV for staking, great potential for COV with the upcoming yield. Very promising if you see how other projects token have exploded.
Most people don't even know what COV is yet, and even more, don't know the potential that the token will give to them when realizing more profits from the module. if it was $3 on speculation and no product, I would love to see what it will be with utility, consistent burning, added platforms for the Covesting module to be used on, larger name, and more professional traders marketing themselves and staking rewards. Big possibilities.
Overall, It’s a good opportunity right now, just needs gradual growth and that would happen. It's going to be great to see where the team takes this project next to new and higher levels.