Davion (DAVP), has been created as a project for the adoption of payment methods and support for payment systems, it has developed a platform of broad technologies, which integrates blockchain technology, decentralized finance, platform with support on smartphones and even from the web, thus ensuring good services and payment solutions for users and even merchants. Davion, is an innovative ecosystem that is characterized by the support it provides to online commerce platforms, allowing users to adopt their best payment method and without inconveniences, guaranteeing payments with their native token, cards or other means of payments, likewise it is a platform that guarantees the good investment of funds to grow finances. This project has developed the Davion (DAVP) token, being a token easy to use, decentralized, good storage and compatible with wallets based on the Ethereum network, likewise facilitates payments within the platform, being a token for the delivery of rewards and easy trading from decentralized exchange platforms.