FIO Convention (FIO): is a decentralized task that addresses the drive in blockchain arrangements inside the business sectors, permitting vital social improvement point where the cycles are streamlined so much that the advancement of its environment is adjusted in 2 examples of dedicated information handling, permitting the biggest number of business exchanges on account of the organization of blockchain administrations, its market highlights work on the interaction exclusively, its huge index of administrations is ideal for new engineers as it has a fascinating business sector capacities to be fused into new exchanging stage, accomplishing the best ease of the economy through its computerized channels, is a decentralized venture that presents extraordinary instruments that could interface in an exceptionally normal manner in the market accomplishing incredible advances as far as business liquidity, and intended to enhance the energy cycle, its development in the market has been normal since it required a significant stretch of time to be set on the lookout however it is an undertaking that dependably protects its turn of events and its name, It is all in a straightforward biological system that offers answers for the most confirmations, say that its innovations permit an undeniable degree of safety since it executes a few security conventions that output the organization for potential assaults and guarantee the business resources of the clients that make the most of its administrations, improving extensively the quantity of exchanges that they execute each day.