The Force Protocol: is a project that focuses on its financial services, with a system of protocols developed guaranteeing the best market response with blockchain solutions, its technology allows all financial movientes has a balance through its transfer channels, as they are more secure, and allows all market orders to be completed in the shortest possible time, its ecosystem allows a space that achieves balance between market and service platform, its objective as a project is to offer various tools to users that he can develop a free activity in the market, its commercial features are to offer solutions at the level of commercial assets, payment management mechanisms through the use of basic protocols, its a decentralized project, which allows a strong presence in the market, its technology achieves that integration that is required for many commercial orders and based on the development of electronic commerce, its currency is used as a relative means of payment uses very stable calenes for its transactions and serves as a reward type currency, Their system had a rapid growth due to all the technologies they have developed and the markets increasingly requires higher performance to continue with daily operations, it is because the project that offer solution each time has to have more support to be updated to the reality of the market.