Galaxy Wallet (GC) is based on a blockchain ecosystem, which offers services for decentralized financial management, storage of digital assets, making transactions and protecting finances, its ecosystem is developed with extensive security, good tools for managing multiple digital assets and its native token. Galaxy Wallet, is a well-developed platform, ensures easy and quick access from self-developed application and with good compatibility with various mobile devices, likewise integrates into its platform a variety of options and tools that facilitate storage and manage finances, this platform supports various tokens, has a good reward system with its native token Galaxy Wallet (GC), so that users can receive incentives for the use of the ecosystem and their participation, likewise, has good security and encryption technologies for storing digital assets in it. Galaxy Wallet (GC), is developed as the finance for the platform, this is the native token that will operate for the delivery of rewards, facilitates transactions, is a token that can be traded easily from exchange platforms, has good support from the Ethereum network and guarantees fast and secure transactions.