What is Hedera Hashgraph?
Hashgraph is not a blockchain in the sense that it is built on a blockchain. This is best thought of as a graph in which the transaction verification rate increases as transactions are added to the network.
How does Hedera Hashgraph work?
A council of 39 of the largest, most trusted multinationals from around the world will operate the platform and software that will run on millions of nodes around the world.
Hedera's four core services
Overall, the Hedera Hashgraph network consists of four main components or services that work together to provide value transfer, smart contract creation and execution, file transfer, and more.
1 HBAR: Cryptocurrency used to enable low fees, highly customizable Hedera operation.
2 Smart Contracts: Used to automatically execute logic and create decentralized applications targeting many possible use cases.
3 File Service: For redundant distributed file storage with granular controls such as add and remove.
4 Consensus Service: To achieve fast, fair and secure consensus in any application that requires trust