Project based on the loan service with stable currencies and popular cryptocurrencies on the market, provides users with various benefits and with flexible methods for borrowers with the ease of having loans of up to 5 popular cryptocurrencies on the market.
Project that does not have additional fees for said process, in addition to having a totally instantaneous withdrawal process, so the platform also has a cryptocurrency savings system that grants weekly payments in the hosted cryptocurrency.
Thanks to its KYC verification process certification, lenders and borrowers can use this service given the security system used by the project and the consumer's identity verification, in addition these services are also available in the mobile version.
Today there are many projects aimed at loan services so this may overshadow the INLOCK project and its token that has a lot of volatility in the market, but there are very few loan platforms that grant users various cryptos such as loans and a personalized system as told by the INLOCK platform.