Just or JustTalk is a type of cryptocurrency network that lends storage service for tokens, overall, through a wallet it also offers. The objective of the company is to create a network of confidence where users can interact (about finances, professional growth, and trading), while they use the service safely and privately. It has a modern mobile app available just for Android servers. Through the app, users can set their wallet according to what they require. It has many options instead of just storage. It also has services for airdrops and staking. Personally, that is a great option to provide more in-depth knowledge, however, the company stopped of being functional through the pages and in the platform itself.
During months, users have been waiting for updates, or new content about the project since it is very limited. The platform just offers a series of images with captions about the service, but it does not have an available whitepaper. It neither offers access or login to users and less the chance of entering directly to the link of the app store. For doing that, users must access manually from their mobiles devices and lookup for the app. No one has offered official declarations about the real state of the company, or if they are expecting a moment to release something better. Nevertheless, users feel disrupted for it, because it is a good project but difficult to understand due to its incomplete resources.
Users must proceed carefully on this network, and think if it is really necessary to download the mobile app of the wallet knowing that it does not have so much practical content. Sincerely, it is better to wait for coming updates or locate the team. In the platform, there are a series of links to the social media accounts of the company. Perhaps, through it, they can be reached. Although I've visited some of them and the pages also look outdated since so very long.
For knowing what happened with the project, crypto-holders must wait and read the information in any official cryptocurrency market. The rest is just advice to always exploring with caution when entering the service, and avoid providing substantial personal data.