MATH, is based on an innovative project that provides storage services and to generate profits through Stake and interest strategy, it has a wallet with good compatibility on mobile devices and desktops, its platform integrates a variety of tools that allow easy and secure management of digital assets, as it operates in multicurrency. MATH, represents the native token of the ecosystem, which works from two smart contracts, it is a digital asset to operate within the ecosystem of the MATH platform, make quick transactions, generate passive income through Stake and opens the doors to decentralized trading, as it is in various listings of exchange platforms. MATH is a token that provides financial freedom, its ecosystem is well developed, it has its own block explorer, which has a good interface and even a search bar for old transactions, it also provides adequate tools for the development of Dapps and being this a token with its own wallet development, it also provides an efficient wallet that can be installed as integration in the search engines, to facilitate secure transactions at any time.