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157 Review
47.25 Karma

Review on MDsquare by Gerald Benard

Revainrating 5 out of 5

MDsquare is making health a paramount issue of importance.

MDsquare is an incentivized blockchain technology that is concerned with telemedicine.Their mode of service is like issuing a form of brokerage because they interact and relate on behalf of the patient to medical practitioners from any part of the globe.MDsquare is channelled purposely on the merits of Ethereum platform which is definitely a unique smart contract.
The mode of issuing payment is not a big deal when it comes to dealing with MDsquare and this is how it works the patient in question issues his/her payment using the provided available methods in the platform and the cash paid automatically splits into different forms reaching out to the nurse,doctors and consultant in the stipulated proportion.MDsquare is a dynamic gateway for securing a reliable and unmatched health services. They guarantee the best qualified doctors,interpreters and physician necessary.
As a blockchain it provides for an encrypted end-to-end medical files safety which is one of it core policy. More so, patience are offered streamless opportunity to sell anonymized medical database either directly or indirectly to various research groups provided.

Updated 4 years ago
Rating has not been changed
An increment of traded volume which is worth more than 2,589 for this recent times. It is active and supports the ethereum smart contract for issuing a mediator between the platform and others users out side the community. It helps for easy completion of service and transit information faster than any other platform of such. It is more effective than it was in the last months and provides more extensive support for all.

Updated 4 years ago
Rating has not been changed
MDsquare is more advanced from the last review it happens to be a platform which has built its own economically sustainable remote Health Care initiative through the Ethereum blockchain to provide their Token for a Tokenized Economy. This health protocol is expanding and certainly providing connection to individuals around the globe.

  • It is an Ethereum smart contract.
  • It supports and promotes speedy health treatment.
  • It functions as a unique blockchain.
  • It involves interpreters which serve as brokers between the patient and the physician.
  • They make room for anonymized medical data sales.
  • Nothing obtainable yet.