It is an active mediator between projects that enables us to safeguard our identity. This cryptocurrency is now available in larger exchanges which permit strong growth and capitalization. It already exists in its own block chain. The blockchain is revolutionized because several identities are assigned to the user or the transaction. The user exercises control in his/her chain where the controls are returned to the user whenever necessary.
People from all around the world are on your development team, and you may learn about their backgrounds. It has numerous ways to remain protected in the various wallets that are in use.
In conclusion, Metaverse is an interesting initiative that lacks foundations and projections to the future of what is and what should be the same, where for now, all we can utilize is its cryptocurrency but without even having tangible results of what it delivers. For the time being, I would classify this as a low-priority project, but it would be fascinating to watch how far it progresses.