It is a dynamic, secure and interactive ERC-20 token, allied with its counterpart Ethereum, which aims to provide members of your organization with full support for them. However, Mithril (MITH), has as its sole and unappealable foundation, to be an interactive platform, with fusion to social networks, or rather, the consideration of a decentralized ecosystem for them; that is why its qualifying aspect within the community is respectable, being one of those that make up the list of the 100 most used cryptocurrencies around the world according to the CoinMarketCap because it handles the creation of content based on the performance of processes of mined, keeping in mind that your tokens can be spent on contact applications and video topics, be it soccer games, concerts, among others
In summary, it is a digital asset of great advancement, security and dynamism, which gives members of its community a different view than other cryptocurrencies, without leaving aside, innovation, the search for new technologies, and project standards that facilitate and improve your organization more than they have already developed