Hi everybody, I need to enlighten you concerning Ndau and offer with you the data I have gained from my exploration on Ndau. Crypto projects are well known and important tasks at this moment. Ndau is additionally one of these significant and well known crypto projects. The contrast among Ndau and different activities is that it has the principal versatile advanced cash on the planet and tackles its work well overall. One component that interests me at Ndau is that Ndau executes a financial strategy installed in blockchain to lessen and limit value unpredictability, which is a lot in the crypto environment. I think Ndau is working effectively in this regard in light of the fact that there is a ton of value instability in the crypto world when all is said in done, and this unpredictability can carry enormous re-visitations of clients just as cause huge misfortunes. I think it is an extraordinary advantage for clients that Ndau limits this value instability. That is every one of my contemplations and data for Ndau. I trust my audit has been valuable to you.