NEST Protocol (NEST), is a project developed as an oracle network protocol for distributed pricing, which has a platform of good blockchain technologies, which has developed a comprehensive security system, with an ecosystem based on decentralization and offers useful tools, easily accessible and ensuring a good quote mining. NEST Protocol (NEST) is a project that involves the community of users in its voting system, allowing them to contribute to improve the ecosystem with decision making, and has also developed a platform and mobile application for trading, quotes and bid mining, allowing users to generate income in NEST Protocol (NEST) tokens, by participating in the cycle of price verification and quotation, thus having a good performance platform, with accessible tools, which allows easy management and administration of digital assets, and based on decentralization. NEST Protocol (NEST), is a token with good scalability, fulfills the function of being a reward token, operate within the ecosystem functions, also to operate in the various popular decentralized markets and to facilitate participation in the governance system within the NEST Protocol community.