Orchid (OXT): is a project with great commercial initiative as it allows you, a very safe browsing experience, implemented the use of filter is achieved full access to many pages that in some countries are blocked, one of the main use of its currency is as a means of payment for their services, you can decide to purchase packages according to the one that best suits your needs, its ecosystem allows a navigation under algorithms that protect you from attacks, study the possible limitations that may have with a local network connection or public use, can manage family plans for full support and security for all devices in a given space, its technology is decentralized one of its main business objectives is to achieve a large number of users protected with its service so internet connections become more secure and free, its open source stable interesting guidelines for the development of the same as it allows you certain advantages over others giving greater powers and a better internet experience less surveillance more security, more data protection people less information leaks or devices that are responsible for damaging your system.