Oxycoin (OXY): is a project that serves as a digital trading platform increasing its collective interest and improving the process of commercial links, counting with the support of blockchain solutions that make the use of the market more simple and accurate, a point to highlight is its direct link with the community and business processes allowing a larger and more dynamic market, counting with a more complete and free ecosystems, have at their disposal diverse commercial tools that study in improving the possibilities of the market and increase their interest on the communities to such a point that the decentralization of the project is a point of great interest, it is a project that opens the commercial possibilities of improving the market with the use of its technologies and increases the services from different points of interest, working on establishing a security mechanism and increasing transparency in the commercial processes, it is a project that has an algorithm that allows it to be mined and establishes points of greater interest on its commercial platforms, guaranteeing better planning and considering all types of commercial scenarios, Its ecosystem is gradually growing at a commercial level and allows improving its information processing and its use with the blockchain, improving the transparency of the process and its speed. It is a project based on an open code and a broad and truthful financial platform, which ensures that its currency is used as a frequent means of payment among its users.