A crypto utility token focus mainly on Pakistanis users, has it own blockchain protocol system which makes it an open source utility token for all users across the globe to hold and use the crypto token for their daily activities, with it near zero transaction fee Pakcoin can be a convenient token for business/merchant services for conducting transaction at a lower price, the coin can be mined, Pakcoin mining is based on proof of work scrypt algorithm, with few minutes of block generating which can be use to reward miners and investors, mining also improve pakcoin security system and secure users transaction.
Buying Pakcoin can be done using bitcoin, litecoin and dogecoin from few exchange currently support few exchange like (novaexchange dot com) interested users can also buy Pakcoin from webpage or pakcoin exchange group from FAQ section on the website.
Interested traders can also trade Pacoin from exchange platform mentioned above.
Supported wallet can be accessed from the platform which are compatible with computers, users will need to install Pakcoin blockchain software on their various computer.