The PIBBLE project (PIB): is a task created to streamline the market by dealing with the utilization of a motor with unique insight, which enters straightforwardly into the economy and permits through measure the formation of promoting content dependent on business items, makes a particular advancement channel for dynamic trades, permitting business resources for be entirely beneficial and permits its money to be utilized differently, its cash can be traded effectively, with specific computerized assets, is an undertaking focused on the business side that permits the improvement of instruments for key use inside the market, Its development as a venture permitted its quick situation on the lookout, since it had a high capitalization and that assisted it with fostering all its market advances, it has a segment for designers ideal for making content and is introduced as a beneficial option in the market to give a visual publicizing of an items available to be purchased, its advertising advancement is precise and meets the states of clients, another highlight feature would be its connection with the blockchain network.