The last important move they made was the brand change to expand their services, its relaunch is intended to cover more market. This ecosystem is made up of a wallet for companies and individuals, various types of digital and physical commerce, in addition to a decentralized copyright system (copyright).
A renown of the token was made to Play X, it has not yet been launched in the market. The Swap was carried out since June 2020 and they have not yet given any notification.
He is not yet released on any exchange, his association with Bithumb is no longer active.
Utility: Gaming ecosystem, currently restructured to payments and any other service.
Country of origin: Korea.
Price during your ICO: $ 0.33
Current price: $ 0.00
Lost since ICO: 100%, the token has no commercial value.
New name and symbol. PLAY X
In general, this project has no utility to date, its use and proposal during its ICO was not fulfilled since its use was recently restructured to other payments due to its previous low performance. no longer has commercial value, possibly no longer active is currently standing still.