The SMLY currency rating on coinmarketcap is currently 1269 and the daily trading volume of the last 24 hours is around $ 16 which is a very small amount and this is the first negative point about SMLY. This currency has been on the market since 2015 and is very old in this regard, but it does not seem to be a very successful project due to its rank above 1000. Most projects with a long history also rank well, but SMLY does not.
I checked the chart of this currency in daily and LTC pair (the largest volume of transactions is related to the ltc pair) and made a complete analysis, which you can see the picture of the chart below the review.
In this chart, there is a clear upward trend and it has been moving according to this trend for a long time, but recently a relatively intense pump and dump was done, which seems to be increasing the excitement of this market. After the dump, the support line, ie the same line of the uptrend, was touched twice and even broke it once with a shadow. For this reason, I have touched on two scenarios for the next price movement in the chart, which you can see in full below.