Sparkpoint is a project that optimizes cryptocurrencies working on blockchain technology with each other.
Even though Sparkpoint lags behind coinmarketcap, the project is logically useful. This project touches on many blockchain related issues.
Sparkpoint is compatible with Eth and Btc.
You can win prizes through coin finding games on mobile devices. You can win prizes with the knife shooting game. With the bubble game, you earn income for the game you progress.
These games are completely free.
You can get information about how dAPP projects and smart contracts work on the Sparkpoint website.
While creating the Sparkpoint wallet, you can ensure your security with randomly generated words. However, you should not forget these words.
Sparkpoint project is a multi-purpose project. It has applications such as SparkPoint wallet, SparkPlay, SparkLearn, and SparkDeFi. All these applications work in harmony with each other. You can keep your earnings in wallets.
As a result; Sparkpoint is a project that updates itself and offers a large number of applications to its users on a platform.