Stellar Gold (XLMG), is created as an ecosystem for the implementation and adoption of blockchain technology in financial systems, it has created a decentralized exchange platform, which streamlines the processing of exchanges between fiat money and cryptocurrencies, thus having a platform that is maintained with good performance, which integrates good security methods, which guarantees a trade with real value and updated in the market, also offers zero commission fees, ensuring that users can save the payment of commissions. Stellar Gold, a cloud-based exchange platform, integrates the Stellar network into its platform, provides good support for fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies, facilitates good trading solutions, integrates decentralization into its ecosystem and offers its users privacy, and has developed the native Stellar Gold (XLMG) token, being the funding for operations within the ecosystem, it guarantees good project funding, creates a good reward system for users who use the exchange services, it is a token that facilitates transactions, has good support from several popular wallets and maintains good decentralized trading.