Tap (XTP), is created as a venture that offers a financial stage that upholds tokenization and Fiat cash, hence ensuring the capacity of funds, advanced resource the executives, quick exchanges to any area, incorporates secure installment strategies and ensures actual card installments. Tap has incorporated into its environment a portable application instrument, which guarantees simple admittance to clients to oversee accounts on the stage, just as a stage that upholds different mainstream advanced resources and its local XTP token, offers different security techniques for the assurance of assets in the wallet, just as guaranteeing the withdrawal of cash from ATMs, coordinating secure trade of computerized cash to Fiat and with the execution of an actual card own, permitting a trade of refreshed worth. Tap (XTP) is the monetary resource for the environment, it functions as a computerized cash for methods for installment, has great help in the wallet stage, has great exchanging from famous decentralized trades and works from the Ethereum organization, hence having quick and secure exchanges.