THEKEY (TKY): is a modern project that allows you to run various services in order to ensure frequent use with the blockchain network, its technologies allows social advancement has a validation systems that is developed with guarantees of reliable and verified information, one of its objectives as a project is to enable the use of tools that guarantee the best market process, with extreme efficiency can be implemented in any environment its blockchain is executed in small sub processes that are self-complete in minutes and achieve a channel with greater security in the execution and behavior with its operating ecosystem, It is considered a decentralized project with free market, its currency is used as a means of payment transferable and executable to any type of user with wallet support, and with presence in the general markets, the technologies it runs allows the verification of the data of each publication the individual is presented in the blockchain network, so you can rule out any forgery, false news, or of little provenance, has a very stable verification engine capable of processing large amounts of data per minute with a high level of efficiency so you can achieve adaptations and solutions faster.