re Veri Doc Global has helped to kick against all sort of fraud & counterfeit of original document, products and data. The rate at which fraudster are forging documents and products of the original content these days is alarming but with the help and implementation of good countermeasures this fraudulent acts can be minimize. The only solution to this issue is a system that promotes a very transparent platform where all data sent in and out could be verified to to ascertain their authenticity. The blockchain was the best solution to a problem like this and this was why a company like Veri Doc Global took up the challenge by ensuring only genuine documents and products are allowed in circulation. The project has been able to ensure that only original document of Drivers license, national ID cards and international passport can be used by any individuals thereby reducing the crime rate and illegal migration by fraudster using fake international passport by making use of the QR code scanner to scan the QR codes on such documents to confirm their originality. What even got me intrigued by the project was when it started that one of it's core vision is to also ensure that only good and consumables products are made available such as foods and drugs ,with this the life and health of everyone is kept safe, although I'm still surprised at how they want to achieve that . To makes use of the Veri Doc Global blockchain service you need to have some substantial amount the utility token to carry out your transaction on the blockchain confirming the genuineness of such document or products .