The main way of working of the project is to join the spouses who want to participate in the capital markets.
However, there is information that some sites are fraudulent, but I do not agree. Because DATA, the token of the project, can now be viewed and traded on many exchanges. In addition, the daily trading volume is above $ 50000. However, the volatility of prices is a cause for concern. I guess users are afraid to choose this token, as the transaction fees also seem very high.
When I entered the website of the project, I encountered an incomprehensible design. Since there is little language support, I could not get a clear information about what it does and what kind of service it provides.
Unfortunately, I could not see the link available to the support team. For this reason, they probably view the project as fraudulent, as it provides users with insufficient knowledge of the project. In short, as I stated above, I do not agree with these claims and I think many improvements should be made to make the project better.