XMax (XMX): is a cryptocurrency project that works on the simplification of commercial processes, allowing a greater number of executions per minute, it is a project focused directly on the world of digital content, entertainment and fun, its project links the use of blockchain as a starting point in the commercial processes allowing a better development of its platforms, It has the ability to offer solutions at the enterprise level and allows a large interactive catalog on gaming issues, one of its most interesting points is its ability to create content as it focuses on the interests of most demanded and allows a breakthrough in its trade, it is free project based on a computer code, It is a free project based on a computer code, which is not guarded and therefore has the ability to work with multiple chains at the same time and thus achieve a greater number in the process and increase the commercial speed, improving considerably its scalability in the trade network, is a project that had a rapid development within the market due to its initial level of interest and improved considerably by integrating service features and considering a greater range in its operations, important points to highlight of this type of project, would be its linkage with the games, allowing a more unlinked market, high support for direct programming with the games and improved input for content creators.